blunt essays with sharp points
To my beloved
by ScrvpvlvsFeb 14, 2012 12:00 AM–
Suddenly, I am embraced awake, draw breath through my fine toes, bathe thirſty limbs in warm, urgent ſeep.
What are the oppoſite of eyes ? Theſe out-preſſed fans of ruſt and emerald lees. Theſe diſtillers of fragrant tears.
I know the wobble of wind, the pitileſs gripe of ſmall feet and teeth, the inſiſtent ſwell of rain-ſoaked earth : this touch is new.
How is perfect tenderneſs ? This eaſy inweaving of fingers. This dance of flowers petal to petal.
Layer on layer, year after year, againſt the ruthleſs heaven we knit our thick, gnarled coats. Scars cover ſcars.
Where is compassion ? Our bodies preſs, entwining, together. Our skins thin between, we lean and weep on one another.
In the ſpring, a caſual viſitor may ſtop to wonder at a ſingular tree blooming red on one ſide, on the other, white.
Labels: poem
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